
Innovation Symposium: Biologically active materials

Bioactive materials that interact with human cell tissue are having a positive impact in many therapeutic applications. The Innovation Symposium at Swiss Medtech Expo in Lucerne is where you will learn how bioactive materials are used for wound treatment and synthetic tissue transplants.

The Innovation Symposium conveys expert knowledge – gained from practice for use in practice. On Tuesday, 10 September 2019 experts will be speaking from 1:30 to 3:00 pm about the background and projects currently underway in the field of "Biologically active materials".


  • Personalized skin: fast track to innovation
    Ph.D. Daniela Marino, CUTISS
  • Bottom Up Design Approach to Functional Materials
    Prof. Dr. Inge K. Hermann, ETH Zürich und Empa
  • Entwicklung von Keramik Zahnimplantaten
    Patrik Wili, Nowak Engineering GmbH
  • ViViOn CBCs bieten ungeahnte Möglichkeiten
    Stefan A. Tschanz, Biesterfeld Plastic Suisse AG



Some presentations will be held in German.