Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Young and innovative: IBAM presents six Swiss 3D printing start-ups. Find out more about the start-ups in the pitches and let yourself be inspired by their innovative applications, products and services.

  • Die KMU-Einstiegslösung für den Metall 3D-Druck
    a-metal AG, Zürich

  • A new generation of thermal, medical & therapeutic system 4.0
    CryoThermo 4.0 Sàrl, Courtedoux
  • Industrial 3D Printing Beyond Limits
    NematX AG, Zürich
  • Indirect AM solution for cellular agriculture scaffolds
    sallea, Zürich

  • Einzigartige Kletterschuhe durch automatisierte Design-Algorithmen und additive Fertigung
    hooq AG, Winterthur
  • Advanced Manufacturing of drug delivery systems 
    InkVivo Technologies AG, Viganello (Lugano)

Note: The speakers will present their pitches in German or English.

a-metal AG, Zürich

Die KMU-Einstiegslösung für den Metall 3D-Druck

Unsere Vision bei a-metal ist es, den Zugang zu Metall 3D-Druck in der Industrie zu fördern. Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass speziell KMUs, Bildungseinrichtungen und kleine Entwicklungsgruppen einen besseren Zugang zu dieser revolutionären Technologie in ihren eigenen Unternehmen haben sollten.

Mit unserem erschwinglichen, kompakten und sicheren Metall 3D-Druckers streben wir danach, dass auch kleinere Unternehmen mit tieferem Investitionsbudget, beschränktem Platz und wenig Expertenwissen den Einstieg in die Technologie im eigenen Unternehmen finden. Unser geschlossener Pulverkreislauf mit Materialkartuschen gewährleistet einen sauberen und sicheren Betrieb, so dass Sie keine Spezialisten einstellen oder einen Laborraum für Ihren Metall 3D-Drucker bauen müssen. Mit einer einfachen mechanischen Werkstatt, einer innovativen Haltung, Ihrem technischen Team und unserer Maschine können Sie komplexe Metallteile zu einem erschwinglichen Preis selbst drucken, wann immer Sie sie brauchen.

CryoThermo 4.0 Sàrl, Courtedoux

A new generation of thermal, medical & therapeutic system 4.0

The CryoThermo system helps to improve the health of people who have intense sustained daily physical activity, of people who suffer from recurrent pain and chronic illness or injury.

The CryoThermo system is dedicated to people who require daily treatments.

Among its inventions, CryoThermo offers its customers “custom-made” compresses produced by Additive Manufacturing.

The CryoThermo system is an integrated system providing multiple simultaneous therapies with "custom-made", smart and connected 4.0 compresses whose purpose is to:

  • Speed up and facilitate the access to treatments
  • Improve the effectiveness of overall therapies process
  • Reduce the overall duration of the treatment process

CryoThermo is a Swiss start-up founded in 2022 which has protected its brand and filed a patent. We are looking for medical, technological and business partners, as well as investors.

NematX AG, Zürich

Industrial 3D Printing Beyond Limits

At NEMATX we develop new materials – so-called liquid crystal polymers (LCP) – and comprehensive manufacturing solutions to overcome the current limits in industrial 3D printing. Our high precision 3DP platform NEX 01 combines manufacturing precision, print speed and ultimately the part performance required to close the gap with established production technologies. The result is a much more profitable and sustainable high-mix low-volume production of high performance polymer parts for the harshest industrial applications.

sallea, Zürich

Indirect AM solution for cellular agriculture scaffolds

Cellular agriculture is a booming industry targeting the production of animal-based products without the ecological burdens of livestock farming. But the cultivation of animal cells requires porous support structures, so-called scaffolds, with high demands on biocompatibility, edibility and pore control. While additive manufacturing (AM) provides absolute control of the geometry, the range of printable, high-performance materials is still limited. The ETH startup sallea is therefore developing 3D cell culture scaffolds for the cultivation of clean meat and fish based on an indirect AM approach. The indirect approach enables the combination of geometric control by AM, with the material flexibility obtained from conventional manufacturing methods.

hooq AG, Winterthur

Einzigartige Kletterschuhe durch automatisierte Design-Algorithmen und additive Fertigung

hooq entwickelt individuelle Kletterschuhe, die auf deiner Einzigartigkeit basieren. Ihr digitaler Ansatz stütz sich auf modernste Technologien wie 3D-Scanning, automatisierte Design-Algorithmen und additive Fertigung. Der Klettersport ist ein Spiel zwischen Mensch und Natur. Daher stehen nicht nur qualitativ hochwertige Kletterschuhe mit der perfekten Passform und einzigartigen Eigenschaften im Fokus, sondern genauso deren nachhaltige und faire Herstellung.

InkVivo Technologies AG, Viganello (Lugano)

Advanced Manufacturing of drug delivery systems 

Controlled release of active ingredients is of fundamental importance to provide the desired therapeutic effect in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. Current manufacturing technologies are limited to common design of drugs and provide poor control of dosage over time, increasing risks of side effects and long-term complications.

At InkVivo, we have developed an innovative approach to produce drug delivery systems that can be easily administered subcutaneously and orally. We combine our patented biomaterial platform with our advanced manufacturing method to produce delivery systems that have a specific spatial composition and formulation, regulating the temporal release of diverse therapeutics (e.g., small molecules, antibodies, and micronutrients).

With InkVivo’s technology we provide pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies a cost-effective strategy to repurpose drugs and to extend the lifecycle of existing products, addressing a multi-billion market.

The Innovation-Pitches are organized by Innovation Booster Additive Manufacturing (IBAM)

Speakers (7)

Fritz Bircher

Fritz Bircher

IBAM, President

Stephan Steiner

Stephan Steiner

a-metal AG, CEO & Co-Founder

Marco von Gunten

Marco von Gunten

CryoThermo 4.0 Sàrl, Founder & CEO

Dr. Raphael Heeb

Dr. Raphael Heeb

NematX AG, CEO & Co-Founder

Dr. Nicole Kleger

Dr. Nicole Kleger

sallea, Technical Lead

Livia Zumofen

Livia Zumofen

hooq AG, Co-Founder & CEO

Dr. Elia Guzzi

Dr. Elia Guzzi

InkVivo Technologies AG, CEO & Co-Founder