Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Service Swiss Medtech Expo 2023

Technological consultation for your start into 3D Printing

In a comprehensive technological consultation, we accompany you in getting started with industrial 3D printing. Our goal is to exploit the full potential of your production and to successfully integrate additive manufacturing into your existing production.

Our consulting process takes place in five steps:

  1. Requirement profile: In an initial discussion, the most important requirements of your application are examined.
  2. Potential analysis: Based on customer requirements, we carry out a component and cost analysis to determine the potential. Here we optimize, for example, the lightweight construction or the topology of the component.
  3. 3D printing system: After clarifying the requirement profile and the component and cost analysis, we identify the appropriate 3D printing system.
  4. Sample component: We then produce a sample component on our in-house machine park according to the design optimizations carried out.
  5. On-site appointment: At a joint appointment in our technology center in Esslingen, we present the component and create an offer according to your specific needs.