
T4M 2021: Trade fair cancelled at the request of industry

T4M – Technology for Medical Devices will not take place in 2021. Travel restrictions and quarantine regulations make the idea of holding an in-person trade fair for the medical technology industry in June unrealistic. Next regular trade fair to be held 2022 at Messe Stuttgart.

Industry regrets the development

T4M – Technology for Medical Devices will not take place in 2021. This decision was made at the request of the industry along with the trade fair advisory board and its supporters, Swiss Medtech and the VDMA Working Group Medical Technology. “We regret this development. Given the areas at risk across Europe and the associated travel restrictions and quarantine regulations, the idea of holding an in-person trade fair for the medical technology industry in June is, unfortunately, unrealistic and the economic risk is too high,” says Niklas Kuczaty, Managing Director of the VDMA Working Group Medical Technology. For a long time, we were holding onto the idea of an event in the first half of the year in the hope that it would be more likely to go ahead after the Whitsun holiday and, as a result, ensure greater planning certainty.


Next regular trade fair to be held in 2022 at Messe Stuttgart

Kuczaty, who is also representing a group stand alongside more than 30 companies together with the VDMA Working Group Medical Technology, continues: “The trade fair advisory board and the industry both support the decision to hold T4M as an in-person event again at Messe Stuttgart in 2022.” In recent months, it has been clear that online trade fairs can help to solve problems and bring benefits for customers. They are, however, difficult – especially when it comes to medical technology. After a thorough review and discussions with the industry, Messe Stuttgart decided against hosting a digital version of the in-person Medical Technology Expo. We will still forge ahead at full steam and continue to release individual goal-oriented activities using the T4M – Technology for Medical Devices brand.


About T4M – Technology for Medical Devices

T4M – Technology for Medical Devices will bring technologies, processes and materials for the production and manufacturing of medical technology to Stuttgart. The combination of a trade fair, forums, workshops and networking will enable exhibitors and visitors to forge valuable business contacts and provide them with future-oriented momentum. The final date for the 2022 trade fair will be confirmed in due course.

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