Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Showcase Swiss Medtech Expo 2019

Alternative to in-house surface finishing

In-house facilities and processes for surface finishing of implants and other medtech products are expensiv. Get to know how the KKS Medical Surface Center represents an interesting economic alternative.

The MedTech industry sets the highest standards for surface quality and functionality and thus on overall quality - of both implants and medical instruments. Concerning implants, for example, cleanliness and biocompatibility of the surface are key factors ensuring optimal human tissue tolerability and thus successful implantation.

Every particular process of surface finishing consists of several consecutive steps in order to reach the desired, optimal surface quality. Validated processes guarantee reproducible results in this field. In order to have such processes in-house, high investments are required.

The KKS Medical Surface Center represents an economic alternative to expensive in-house facilities and investments.

In our ISO13485 certified Medical Surface Center, we collaborate with our customers to develop processes adapted to their actual needs and continue our research on new and perfected processes.

We listen to our customers, focus on their needs and explore their applications. This way, we develop leading technological solutions, improve performance, efficiency and flexibility and thus create true added value.

Your advantage – strong performance from a single source

  • Comprehensive expertise concerning the requirements and regulations of the medtech industry 
  • Customized applications and systems developed based on in-house experience
  • Maximum flexibility due to a high level of in-house manufacturing 
  • Support, consulting for the documentation and validation of processes
  • Carrying out process/procedure validations
  • Our Medical Surface Center as a live test environment and testimonial for processes and technologies
  • Customer-oriented, environment friendly and economical production with short lead times and sophisticated logistics close to the market