Swiss Medtech Expo 365

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Dienstleistung Swiss Medtech Expo 2021

PCB miniaturization

Advantages of miniaturization: Through the utilization of only flexible material it is possible to manufacture very thin ML. There is also the possibility for laser-cut contours (drilling and milling). Moreover the most innovative process solutions for through-hole-plating are available.

PCB miniaturization

Tell us your requirements and expectations. In personal discussions we inform you of our capabilities and product range. Every Job is carefully planned and coordinated with the customer. This saves time and money.

Our organization at a glance:

  • Service center for our customers
  • Production management for order planning
  • Reserach and development for individual custom-built solutions
  • Purchasing for optimum procurement
  • Production of technically-advanced products
  • Quality control and shipping

Optiprint is the ideal partner for miniaturization. A modern machinery guarantees the processing ot thinnest materials (as from 12.5µm9 in the cutting.

Micro vias which are laser or mechanical drilled can be filled with copper by plated through-hole. Stacked vias and via-in-pad technology are basic requirement in the miniaturization.