Die Rolle der Hersteller im Gesundheitssystem

Digital Health & Therapeutics

Biogen aspires to transform how people living with neurological conditions are diagnosed, treated and monitored, by building global capabilities in personalized and digital medicine.

Biogen has long experience in navigating the challenges of delivering health care to people with neurological conditions and is leveraging this expertise to advance digital health in neurosciences. We aspire to transform how patients are diagnosed, treated and monitored by building global capabilities in personalized and digital medicine.

Hinweis: Dieses Referat wird auf Englisch gehalten. Es ist Teil des Themenblocks «Die Rolle der Hersteller im Gesundheitssystem», welcher vom Health Tech Cluster Switzerland organisiert wird.

Referent*innen (1)

Marine Baxendell

Marine Baxendell

Biogen Digital Health International GmbH, Sr Partner for Europe, Neuromuscular and Alzheimer's Diseases